Rural Specialist Plumbing Services, Pump Installs & Repairs
We are certified plumbers and drainlayers and offer all plumbing services to the rural sector and lifestyle block owners. This includes:
- Pipe replacement and repairs
- Pump installation and repairs
- New plumbing installations for all plumbing needs in the rural sector
- Clearing blocked drains
- Any outside plumbing work on farms
Malcolm Syme is a Certifying Plumber and Certifying Drainlayer with the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board (PGDB) so you can have peace of mind that all work done by Environment First is fully compliant and fit for purpose. If you are in the Manawatu or Horowhenua please call and ask aboutour services.
Remember, you can avoid cowboys when you get any “pipe” work done, by asking for the card!
For more information, or to enquire about our plumbing and drainlaying services, please get in touch!